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David C. Livingston

303 Kipukai Place

Honolulu, Hawaii  96826

808 542-4945     808 441-6836 Fax


{“Things Worth Saving Vol 1136”}

If you have anything you'd like to share in "Things Worth Saving" please e-mail me your text to (Word Files can also be cut and paste into this document or JPEG – No PDF’s)  - Many thanks to all of the contributors over the years.  The editing is done Thursday evenings - we start broadcasting late Thursday Night and all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday - it now takes 3 days to get it out to all 22,000 readers - If I get an article after Thursday it goes in the next issue (Unless it's outdated).   To take yourself off the "Things Worth Saving" distribution list just reply with “unsubscribe" and you're off or Hit the unsubscribe button on the Newsletter!



If you see something – do something!