“Things Worth Saving Vol 1137”

David C. Livingston


303 Kipukai Place

Honolulu, Hawaii  96826

808 542-4945     808 441-6836 Fax



“Things Worth Saving Vol 1137”

“Things Worth Saving Vol 1137”

POW/MIA Recognition Day

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POW/MIA Recognition Day was held at Punchbowl September 20th, 2024. Enjoy the photos! David C. Livingston Past Regional President Navy League of the United States, Honolulu Council

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September 20, 2024

BY David

Sales and Marketing Executives spent an evening with Mayor Rick Blangiardi in a frank and open discussion about the next 4 years in Honolulu. any thanks to Janet Scheffer, SME President, and crew for pulling together another great SME event. Many thanks to Tony Grillo - Artistic Mindz Photography for his photos. David C. Livingston Past President SME Honolulu


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Sales and Marketing Executives spent an evening with Mayor Rick Blangiardi in a frank and open discussion about the next 4 years in Honolulu. any thanks to Janet Scheffer, SME President, and crew for pulling together another great SME event. Many thanks to Tony Grillo - Artistic Mindz Photography for his photos. David C. Livingston Past President SME Honolulu


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September 18, 2024

BY David


Tony Grillo

Owner / Artistic Mindz Photography


New HEADSHOT STUDIO NOW OPEN by Ala Moana Shopping Center - by Appointment only.

Contact me for more details

How might the outcome of the presidential election impact your portfolio and the broader markets and economy?

I can help you make sense of potential election implications with expert insights.

  • Investor guide: Explore how the markets and economy have historically performed under past presidents and political environments, as well as the unique market rhythms during election years.
  • Panel insights: Hear Ameriprise Financial experts discuss key policy items.

Share these resources with friends and family to help them navigate election season with more confidence. If you have concerns about the financial impact of the upcoming election – or if someone you know is feeling uncertain – let’s connect.

Share election insights

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David Livingston

Financial Advisor

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Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
1585 Kapiolani Blvd Ste 1600
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814-4523

Office Phone: 808.441.4000
Website: https://www.ameripriseadvisors.com/david.c.livingston

CA Insurance # 0E28997


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The Navy League was actively involved in supporting the annual Ombudsman Appreciation Dinner held September 13th at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum. Enjoy the photos! David C. Livingston Volunteer Photographer & Past President, Pacific Region Navy League of the United States

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September 14, 2024

BY David

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U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific = Change of Command = Lt. General William M Jurney Relieved by Lt. General James F. Glynn - 9 12 24


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New Commander Takes Charge of Pacific Marines

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. William M. Jurney, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, gives his final remarks as commander during the MARFORPAC change of command ceremony on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Sept. 12, 2024. U.S. Marine Corps | Staff Sgt. Ash McLaughlin

MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII — Lieutenant General William M. Jurney relinquished command of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific to Lieutenant General James F. Glynn during a ceremony aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Sept. 12, 2024. Jurney also retired from the Marine Corps during the ceremony.

“You don’t get here by happenstance,” said General Eric M. Smith, commandant of the Marine Corps. “You get here by determination, by hard work, by commitment to your profession. You’re hand selected to come here based on your integrity, your vision, and your warfighting expertise.”

Jurney, a native of Statesville, North Carolina, commanded MARFORPAC since September 2022. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 1987, he enlisted in the Marine Corps and retired with more than 37 years of service.

“The Marines and Sailors standing in front of you today represent two Marine Expeditionary Forces, both I and III MEF, and our headquarters,” stated Jurney during his last address as commander. “The MEFs and MARFORPAC represent approximately two-thirds of the entire United States Marines Corps’ combat power. Every day, over 80,000 Marines and Sailors make sacrifices for our country, and we do not forget them for their service.”

During Jurney’s tenure, Pacific Marines participated in several significant events, including the first deployment of the Amphibious Combat Vehicle with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, the redesignation of 12th Marine Regiment to 12th Marine Littoral Regiment, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron 3’s transition from the RQ-21A to the MQ-9A MUX/MALE, and support to more than 120 exercises and engagements throughout the Indo-Pacific theater.

Reflecting on the achievements and progress made while in command, Jurney highlighted the dedication and readiness of Pacific Marines.

“They stand ready to fight — and to fight and win — on behalf of our nation and on behalf of our nation’s commitment to our allies and to our partners,” Jurney said. “Our capabilities of readiness are possible because of strong partnerships and our strong alliances.”

A native of Albany, New York, Glynn graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and commissioned in 1989. He most recently served as deputy commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, based in Quantico, Virginia.

“You should expect me to be out front ensuring that you have what you need and that you are taken care of so that we can achieve the things in support of our partners and Allies,” Glynn said during his first remarks to Pacific Marines. “So, we can do the things that are required to prevail – that are expected of us as individuals and as a group. So, know those standards and exceed those standards at every occasion.”

The ceremony featured marching units, the MARFORPAC Band, a combined color guard representing MARFORPAC and its subordinate commands, an artillery salute, and the traditional passing of the unit colors from the outgoing to the incoming commander, signifying the transfer of authority and accountability of the command.

Miss Hawaii


My name is Hayley Cheyney Kane and I am your 2024 Miss Hawaii.

As Miss Hawaii, I am incredibly honored to represent our state at the upcoming Miss America

competition. This journey has been nothing short of amazing.

In my year as Miss Hawaii, I’ve been dedicated to encouraging healthy lifestyles through the

promotion of preventive medicine. As a health educator at a health clinic, I emphasize Aloha as

our main power source we use to show ourselves and others the compassion we need to make

long lasting lifestyle changes. Your contribution allows me to continue this mission, inspiring

positive changes that will enhance the well-being of our community and beyond.

If you are interested in supporting me, I am seeking donations to help me cover the cost of a

new wardrobe and other preparations for the national competition. Please follow click on the link

to donate https://www.venmo.com/u/hayleymissamerica

Mahalo nui loa for your generosity and belief in this important cause. I’m excited to make Hawaii

proud as I take this message to the Miss America stage!

Me ke aloha pumehana,


Hayley Cheyney Kāne

Hayley Cheyney Kāne

Miss Hawaii 2024

Sacred Hearts Academy Uncorked!

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Sacred Hearts Academy Uncorked - Many thanks to Tony Grillo for your outstanding Photos!


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September 15, 2024

BY David

Tony Grillo

Owner / Artistic Mindz Photography


New HEADSHOT STUDIO NOW OPEN by Ala Moana Shopping Center - by Appointment only.

Contact me for more details

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Presented by Southwest Airlines, Hawaii’s biggest business event of the year is set for Tuesday, October 15. Join Chamber of Commerce Hawaii for its 174th Annual Membership Luncheon at Hilton Hawaiian Village. Hear from Cirque Du Soleil's Mike Newquist, President, Resident Shows Division & Affiliate Shows Division and, Neil Dorward, Director, on the company's debut in Hawaii and what's on the horizon for entertainment in the islands. 

See a live sneak peek of Hawaii-inspired ʻAuana by Cirque Du Soleil and meet the performers during the Exhibitor Networking!

Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom

9 to 11:30 am: Exhibitor Networking

  • 9 to 11 am: Free headshots by Dave Miyamoto 
  • 9:30 to 10:30 am: Amplify Your Impact Panel Discussion

11:30 am: Lunch
1 pm: Keynote by Mike Newquist & Neil Doward, Cirque du Soleil



Tickets & Tables

INDIVIDUAL TICKETS: $85 YP Member; $95 Chamber Member; $105 General Public
EXHIBITOR TABLES: No longer available, sold out

Copyright © 2024 Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, all rights reserved.

733 Bishop Street  |  Makai Tower Suite 1200
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 545-4300  |  info@cochawaii.org

update your preferences or unsubscribe.

Shared by Rob Hale

Aloha friends,
Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm for Centennial Park Waikīkī. You and your neighbors, along with the Rotary Club of Honolulu’s sustained efforts and other donors, have created a beautiful, shady, green gathering place that we can all be proud of.
I’m delighted to share this long overdue update. September 16 marks the beginning of the 2nd increment of Phase 2 construction – our “Finish the Park” effort! In June, we completed the exterior rock wall on three sides, which will be the foundation for new metal fencing.
Much has been accomplished behind the scenes over the past 18 months including the work of additional fundraising, securing permits, estimates and construction partners, approving the incremental work schedule, and regular assistance with park maintenance and snail pest control from our friends at Responsive Caregivers of Hawai‘i.
Hawaiian Dredging, our construction partner for both Phase 1 and Phase 2, will be working in Centennial Park Waikīkī for the next three weeks. The park will be closed to the public during a portion of the Phase 2 construction. If you have any questions about park closures, contact Bret Fisher at the Parks Dept. bfisher@honolulu.gov or me directly. 
The current work includes:
·      Complete the raised platform, with turf, an ADA accessible ramp and landscaping;
·      Place large pōhaku (stones) on site as a foundation for future donor recognition signs;
·      Install pedestal stools in clusters throughout the park.
Future work includes: (January 2025 to completion)
·      Install new metal perimeter fencing and three gates; 
·      Install historic and donor recognition signage;
·      Complete additional landscaping.
Our all-volunteer Centennial Park Committee is actively supervising the construction work and fundraising to secure the $270,000 needed to complete the final increments of construction. 
We are grateful for your past support and if you’d like to make an additional donation, please visit  RotaryD5000.org/centennial-park and please tell your friends and neighbors.
Your continued engagement and participation will sustain Centennial Park Waikīkī as a neighborhood treasure for years to come.
Mahalo and aloha,

Rob Hale, Chair
Centennial Park Committee

Hawaii Restaurant Association

Hawaii’s Best Kitchens Event

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September 8, 2024

BY David

Love your comments!

Aloha and Mahalo Dave,
As always the photos are awesome,  Mahalo for what you do. I'm glad you got to prove to your wife you were working.
Much Aloha
Warmest Regards,

Hi David,

Just sending you a note of aloha and thanking you for the many wonderful events, pictures, charities you have supported since we met back in 2007. Amazing!

Thank you for leading and setting great example for everyone. 

You truly are an "Artiste Extraordinare".

3 Cheers for you.!!!


Carla von & Geoff Milford

Navy League event pals

Mercury's first Newsletter

A message from our President

Nestled on the beautiful shores of Honolulu, our business community thrives in this dynamic and picturesque environment.


When I moved to Hawaii, I found myself without a business network. Joining the Mercury Business Association transformed my experience, providing a platform to meet new people and connect with the local business community. The club has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth through valuable referrals and supportive relationships.


Our mission is to gather and share business information among members, while creating social opportunities to build meaningful connections. We believe in a culture of reciprocity—giving and receiving knowledge and support to help each other thrive.


As president, my goal is to foster an emotionally uplifting and positive environment for all members. We welcome new members and offer excellent educational opportunities through speakers who present on a variety of social and business topics.


If you're interested in contributing to our community and watching your network grow and develop personally, please reach out. Together, we can achieve great success.

If you're interested in joining Mercury club or just seeing what it's all about, please visit our website for more information:


The club has been meeting weekly since 1928 and is comprised of several local business leaders



Darshaun Nadeau


Mercury Business Association


Mercury Business Association

1088 Bishop Street Ste. 1209, 96813, Honolulu

“First of all, every day in this audience (“The View” June 25, 2024), it’s a tough conversation to have. The truth is, everybody’s gonna die at some point. Don’t leave it for your kids to deal with. Get a PrePlan, make a will. Do not wait until you die. You’re leaving people in pain at your loss, trying to figure out what you wanted. Tell people what you want before your demise.” Whoopi Goldberg, author, comedienne, actress, EGOT winner (one of only 19), co-host of “The View.”

Whoopi is right. However, a preplan is different from a will. A will is to state who you want to leave any property or money you might have. A Pre-Plan is for you to decide whether you want a traditional/casket or cremation. You can make the decisions now as to where you will be buried, or whether you want to be cremated and your ashes scattered, or whether you want a niche, a family plot, or have your own mausoleum, etc. With a Pre-Plan, you will be able to give peace of mind to those close to you and to yourself. Being prepared is an important part of the life you are living. I can help you prepare yourself for the inevitable no matter when it might arrive. Yes, you can take care of planning your end-of-life now and be sure that your loved ones will be able to follow your personal instructions. If you plan well in advance, you will prevent their suffering and sudden financial costs. Don’t know where to start? Give me a call. I will help you with your Pre-Plan. You will be able to give peace of mind to those close to you and to yourself. Please call me today. I can help you just like I have assisted more than 10,000 Hawaii families and individuals make their plans for cremation or burial. And, if you travel often, you can also purchase a lifetime travel plan for $499 that, in case you should die while away from Hawaii, will pay to bring your body back – a procedure that can cost thousands of dollars and occurs more often than you may think. This is something you can do that is positive and will be of help to family and friends alike.

A Pre-Plan is a very powerful thing to do. So please do this while you still can, and those who love you can celebrate your life with you now, not after it’s too late.  

Linda Rose Herman

Pre-planning Advisor 

Hawaiian Memorial Park & Funeral Services/Borthwick Mortuary 

 (808) 864-3505


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If you have anything you'd like to share in "Things Worth Saving" please e-mail me your text to David@DavidLivingstonHawaii.com (Word Files can also be cut and paste into this document or JPEG – No PDF’s)  - Many thanks to all of the contributors over the years.  The editing is done Thursday evenings - we start broadcasting late Thursday Night and all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday - it now takes 3 days to get it out to all 22,000 readers - If I get an article after Thursday it goes in the next issue (Unless it's outdated).   To take yourself off the "Things Worth Saving" distribution list just reply with “unsubscribe" and you're off or Hit the unsubscribe button on the Newsletter! To add your friends to this newsletter https://flowingblue.com/things-worth-saving-newsletter/

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